About Us
Two brothers John Tunstall (the eldest) and Frank Tunstall (the fourth of five children) were born to godly parents and grew up on a farm in Williiamsburg County, about seven miles from Lake City, SC.
”Our family was poor but we didn’t know it,” Frank says. “If anyone had told us we were poor we would have been offended. Dad raised most of our vegetables as well as our meat, including chickens, pork, and beef. Some of my earliest memories are pulling drinking water up out of a well. Our home had no electricity, no running water, and no bathroom. The Santee Electric Cooperative brought electricity to our farm when I was about six. We got our first bathroom when I was about ten.”
The careers of the two brothers took totally different paths, but in the grace of God, in recent years they have joined together to help grow the Lord’s kingdom.
Two columns

Dr. Frank G. Tunstall, D.Min.
Dr. Frank Tunstall gave his heart to God as a boy on the farm and felt the call from God to preach as a young teenager. He left the farm in 1961 to attend Emmanuel College in Franklin Springs, Georgia, and graduated in 1963. His Bible professor there, Rev. John Swails, became one of his earliest mentors. In March 1964 he married Lula Mae Flowers of Rockingham, NC, his beloved bride now of 51 years. He enrolled in Methodist University in Fayetteville, NC in 1964. While at MU he served as pastor of the Elizabethtown Pentecostal Holiness Church and led the congregation in building a new sanctuary. Eleven other construction projects would follow in his career. After graduation in May 1964, he enrolled that fall in the seminary of Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. While in ORU he simultaneously enrolled in the University of Tulsa and graduated from both in the spring of 1969, having earned M. Div. and M. A. degrees. He completed his doctorate (D. Min.) at Phillips University in 1972.
In the years following he served
- Southwestern College in Oklahoma City, as professor and president.
- Advocate Press (now LifeSprings in Franklin Springs, GA), as IPHC editor in chief of publications and editor of the Advocate (the denominational official journal).
- Church planter and pastor of Northwest Christian Center in Oklahoma City.
- Bishop and superintendent of the Heartland Conference, IPHC.
Dr. Tunstall is the author of Jesus Son of God, Book One and Book Two (Tate Publishing) (2015); Jesus, the One and Only (in Spanish, LifeSprings 2014); Our Awesome Lord, a Pentecostal Christology (Creation House 2008); and The Simultaneous Principle, a History of World Missions Ministries (Life Springs 2005).
Frank and Lu have two living children and five grandchildren. In his retirement he serves as an adjunct professor at Southwestern Christian University in Oklahoma City.

Dr. John H. Tunstall, Ed.D.
Dr. John Tunstall, being the firstborn in the family, left the farm first to attend Lees McRae College in North Carolina. John worked his way through college as a brick mason (a trade he learned from their father), and earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees. He attended Clemson University and Western Carolina University, and served as a public school teacher and school principal. He earned his doctorate at the University of Tennessee in education, with a specialty in planning educational facilities.
John established Educational Research Associates, Inc. in 1970, a school programming and educational facility planning firm. He served the next 37 years as its president, until his retirement in 2007.
John and his wife Linda enjoy their retirement in Knoxville, Tennessee.
John committed his life to Jesus Christ late in life, in 1998. Since that time, the Holy Spirit has given him visions, dreams and prompts that are very troubling understandings about America and her future. With this prophetic gift in mind, they co-authored A Modern Prophecy in 2004. The book is anchored in the Old Testament Biblical story of the Ammonite connection in Israel’s history. The volume is a bold prophetic voice that speaks to America about its decadent decline into immorality, including the sin of abortion.