Biblical Study
March 6, 2018 | by Frank Tunstall | Biblical Study, Easter, Historical Study, Pastoral Development, Scriptures
By: Frank G. Tunstall Martha’s decision to go meet Jesus when she heard the Lord was on the outskirts of Bethany in Israel meant Martha’s faith would blossom before Mary, her sister, because Mary chose to stay at home and did not go to Jesus with her sister. Martha’s first words to Jesus when she met […]
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February 28, 2018 | by Frank Tunstall | Biblical Study, Christian Workers, Easter, Emotional healing, Evangelism, Funerals, Historical Study, Pastoral Development, Prophecy, Scriptures
By: Frank G. Tunstall Luke records a story about Jesus paying a visit to a home owned by a woman named Martha, in a village Luke did not name. She had a sister named Mary living with her. Luke’s story makes no mention of a brother. The women hosted a meal for Jesus and His […]
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February 23, 2018 | by Frank Tunstall | Biblical Study, Family Enrichment, Funerals, Historical Study, Middle East, Pastoral Development, Scriptures
By Frank G. Tunstall Suffering can indeed have benefits. One of them is it shows what is inside us, with the goal to bring us to healing in some meaningful way (Deuteronomy 8:2). Too often we do not know ourselves, but keen disappointment, crushed expectations, or major illness will bring to the surface our secret heart […]
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February 13, 2018 | by Frank Tunstall | Biblical Study, Easter, Prophecy, Scriptures
By: Frank G. Tunstall It goes without saying Jesus was under great pressure after His triumphal ride into Jerusalem. The Lord knew He had to drink the very bitter cup of the sins of all mankind against God, and that meant death by crucifixion awaited Him in a few more days (Romans 1:18-32). In fact, the […]
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February 13, 2018 | by Frank Tunstall | Biblical Study, Christian Workers, Easter, Family Enrichment, Moral issues
By: Frank G. Tunstall What is a fitting Valentine’s gift to give to God? It’s a fair question. One day Jesus asked Phillip a question, testing him. “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?” When the Lord confronted Phillip by asking for a plan to feed a very hungry multitude of 5,000 […]
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February 8, 2018 | by Frank Tunstall | Biblical Study, Easter, Historical Study, Pastoral Development, Prophecy, Scriptures
By: Frank G. Tunstall Jesus the Prophet deserved the highest adoration, but the praise that went to Him during His triumphal entry into Jerusalem was mixed in its genuineness. Many in the crowd were sincere in their adoration because they knew Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead only a few days earlier. Others […]
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February 8, 2018 | by Frank Tunstall | Biblical Study, Easter, Historical Study, Pastoral Development, Prophecy, Scriptures
Part One of a Series on Passion Week By: Frank G. Tunstall Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem brought three great prophecies to fulfillment at the same time, and it all happened spontaneously. The first is in Psalm 118. It was probably written by King David to applaud the unlimited mercies of God. The psalm […]
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January 18, 2018 | by Guest Authors | Biblical Study, Evangelism, Historical Study, Pastoral Development, Sermons, Shared Articles By: Ron Hutchcraft Some years ago, we took a delegation of teenagers to a youth conference at the Jersey Shore, and one of our volunteers was one of the counselors. One evening she left the meeting early to check on one of the kids from our group. She started walking down the Boardwalk. Suddenly […]
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January 11, 2018 | by Frank Tunstall | Biblical Study, Evangelism, Historical Study, Pastoral Development, Shared Articles By Randy Alcorn I’m reminded of what the Huguenots said of the Bible and its critics: “Hammer away ye hostile hands; your hammers break, God’s Anvil stands.” Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21 When people say they believe the Bible contains errors, it’s a good practice to ask them to name those errors so you can […]
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January 11, 2018 | by Guest Authors | Biblical Study, Easter, Historical Study, Scriptures, Shared Articles By: DAN GRAVES, MSL When you open a Bible, you see at once that it is made up of many shorter books. Do you ever wonder how people decided which books should be included in the Bible? It was important for Christians to know what was true scripture. For one thing, they needed to know what teachings […]
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