Introduction By: Frank G. Tunstall Dr. Maureen Farrell Garcia has written an excellent article on how to spot sex offenders in the church. In fact, it’s the best I have ever read. I think it is must reading for all pastors and Christian workers charged with training and protecting children and young people. Every youth pastor should read […] By: Ron Hutchcraft Some years ago, we took a delegation of teenagers to a youth conference at the Jersey Shore, and one of our volunteers was one of the counselors. One evening she left the meeting early to check on one of the kids from our group. She started walking down the Boardwalk. Suddenly […] This is a needed, and provocative article for all of our churches. Ed Stetzer’s is certainly right: the church is responsible to protect the abused, and not the abuser. At the same time, the problem with this article, it seems to me, is that it does not go far enough. We are to protect the abused, […] By Randy Alcorn I’m reminded of what the Huguenots said of the Bible and its critics: “Hammer away ye hostile hands; your hammers break, God’s Anvil stands.” Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21 When people say they believe the Bible contains errors, it’s a good practice to ask them to name those errors so you can […] By: DAN GRAVES, MSL When you open a Bible, you see at once that it is made up of many shorter books. Do you ever wonder how people decided which books should be included in the Bible? It was important for Christians to know what was true scripture. For one thing, they needed to know what teachings […]
By: Frank Tunstall Life’s journey can have wide emotional swings of all kinds, going left and right, up and down. This had to be true with Mary, the mother of Jesus. Without trying to be exhaustive, this article will look at some of her experiences that lifted her to the highest pinnacles of joy, and […] BY:The editors of This Christmas, forego the wooden praying hands, the cross-stitched Bible verses, and the clever bobble-heads. When we asked pastors what they wanted for Christmas, most of their answers fell into one of three categories: appreciation, rest, and time. So think twice before grabbing that last-minute Starbucks gift card; this list […]
By: Frank Tunstall All was ready; the time had come for the prophecies to be fulfilled. Even Caesar Augustus had done his part. The Christ-child was born. No parties heralded the birth of Israel’s King. None of the pomp and circumstance of such a momentous occasion was present. No one was there to sing, or […]; Posted November 14, 2017 By: Sean McDowell Recently I was in a conversation with a friend, and he asked how I could say that Jesus is the only way. I simply responded, “I’m not saying it. Jesus said it. Take it up with him.” He certainly didn’t expect that response. And I didn’t […]
BY: FRANK TUNSTALL As we go into the Christmas season, it is good to be reminded that the incarnation of Jesus, who came down from heaven and moved into the Jewish neighborhood some 2,000 years ago, is based on historical facts. We must also never forget what Simeon the prophet told Mary, Baby Jesus’ mother: […]