By: Ron Edmondson I recently posted about the things I miss from church planting serving in an established church. Church planting can be daunting, but the rewards from seeing people far from God get excited about Him makes all the efforts worthwhile. A friend of mine, Tom Cheyney, texted me with a challenge – and a needed one. Tom […]
By: Raul Rivera April 21, 2016 In September of 2014, amidst internal controversy involving his leadership, Mark Driscoll resigned as founding pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, Washington. One month later, it was announced that the mega-church would dissolve effective January 1, 2015. Fast forward 18 months from his resignation, and Mark Driscoll is […]
“The father of IPHC missions in India” By: Frank G. Tunstall The Pentecostal Holiness Church owned nothing in India in 1920, not a foot of ground or even one house. No converts were there to help our first missionaries, and the church had no missiology plan. In that unpromising climate, the Holy Spirit had a […]
By Trevor Grundy Pentecostalism is one of the fastest-growing movements in world Christendom, with an estimated 500 million followers. “A century ago the face of European Christianity could have been labeled as white, but now it is increasingly becoming multicolored,” said Israel Olofinjana, a Nigerian-born minister in London told the Times. While aging Church of […]
By Frank G. Tunstall The beautiful Pine Dale Resort terraced into the hills on the shoreline of the Aegean Sea hosted representatives from thirty-seven countries April 4-10 in Kusadasi, Turkey. The occasion was the second Global Leadership Summit, sponsored by the World Missions Ministries Division (WMMD) of IPHC. The Apostle Paul navigated those same waters […]
By: Hans von Spakovsky and Tiffany Bates The plaza of the U.S. Supreme Court and the courtroom itself were full of people you don’t normally see at the court—priests, ministers, and nuns of various religious orders. They were there Wednesday to hear the U.S. government argue that the Little Sisters of the Poor—an order of Catholic […]
By Kent Woodyard “If your church isn’t strapped for cash, your vision isn’t big enough.” I heard this quote at a church planters conference in California last fall, and I’ve been repeating it ever since. Budget shortfalls and tightened purse strings are the source of much consternation and hand wringing in church offices around the […]
By: Raul Rivera March 17, 2016 The sound of Pastor Fred’s voice over the phone was heartbreaking as he reported the embezzlement crime to the local police. Only days before, the church had announced that the fundraising for its building campaign had successfully raised $500,000 to construct the church’s new sanctuary and children’s wing. They […]
By: David Koyzis What happens when the demands of government contradict our faith in a fundamental way? What if, like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, we are called to bow the knee to a false god and, in so doing, deny the one true God (Dan. 3)? Or, more likely, what if we are made to […]
By Frank G. Tunstall The ancient Greeks boasted about being able to say much in a word. Yes, Hellenists considered it the perfection of oratory to put an ocean of meaning in a drop of language. Jesus did it to perfection and surpassed them all. Jesus was the Servant both of His Father and of […]