Looking Forward to Easter Sunday, March 27 By Frank G. Tunstall “The next day the great crowd that had come for the Feast heard Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, ‘Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed […]
By: Lane Sebring My church has two Sunday services. The earlier service is a more traditional worship environment. This service tends to be attended by an older demographic. From my experience of preaching this service I have made some observations about preaching to older crowds: 1. Older crowds are way more receptive to young preachers […]
First released by Charisma News, 2:00PM EST 2/15/2016 By: Mark Ellis/God Reports It’s a modern Saul and Ananias story! Tyler Connell with the Ekballo Project has been touring college campuses around the U.S., sharing stories and video from his most recent trip to Middle East, where he documented a dramatic move of God among Muslims, […]
By John McGee A few years ago my wife and I were vacationing with some friends on Vancouver Island. We were driving around looking for some off-the-beaten-path point of interest when suddenly we came upon a home with the most amazing garden I had ever seen. Right there in the middle of the road, I […]
By: Frank G. Tunstall “On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding” (John 2:1-2). The best decision this couple ever made was to invite Jesus to their wedding! The finest decision any couple getting married can […]
[Editor’s note: I have deleted from this article the stats, since they are covered in Josh McDowell’s research.] By: Mark Haviland Our families are under full-blown assault and our children are becoming the greatest casualties! This is such a large and complex subject to cover and we will only scratch the surface within this article, […]
A COMPREHENSIVE, GROUNDBREAKING NEW SURVEY ON AMERICANS, THE CHURCH, AND PORNOGRAPHY: Impact of Internet Pornography on American Population and the Church BY: Josh McDowell Ministries which commissioned the Barna Group to do this study (New York, NY – January 19, 2015). In the most comprehensive, ground-breaking, in-depth and wide-ranging study to date on pornography among the […]
Even when my wife was unfaithful, I continued to experience the faithful love of God. By: Craig Keener / January 15, 2016 Most people know me as a New Testament scholar. To keep my reading of Scripture balanced, however, I do most of my devotions from the Old Testament. Indeed, I have encountered God especially […]
By Frank G. Tunstall Can God answer the earnest prayers of a native African in South Africa, doing it with the birth of a baby boy 9600 miles away in the rolling red hills of northwestern Georgia in the USA? This story will give the answer. Back in the foothills of the Drakensburg/Soutpansberg mountain range […]
By: Gordon McDonald Marathon runners speak of “hitting the wall,” a moment in a race when the body appears to have exhausted all of its energy and pleads to quit. I borrow this phrase when I recall a life-altering experience I had one Saturday morning in my fourth year as a pastor. For me, hitting […]