Ed Stetzer is talking about what he sees as the lost passion today for soul winning evangelism in the evangelical community. As you read, ask yourself about your experience in the Pentecostal revival and its outreach today. To use Stetzer’s phrase, the evangelical community has fallen on “hard times.” Are we different, holding firmly in prayer to the zeal of […]
Jon Nielson, College Pastor at College Church in Wheaton, Illinois, gives three very helpful insights into successfully passing the torch. – Pastor Frank By Jon Nielson “What do we do about our kids?” The group of parents sat together in my office, wiping their eyes. I’m a high school pastor, but for once, they weren’t […]
By: Frank Tunstall It is a striking fact of ancient history that at the very time God was destroying Sodom and Gomorrah, He was also birthing a new nation from the seed of Abraham and Sarah. Baby Isaac was born the same year Sodom perished in the flames of brimstone from heaven (see Genesis 18 […]
By: Timothy C. Morgan (ReligionNewsService November 25, 2015 ) Fear of gossip and judgmental reactions routinely prevents churchgoing women who are considering an abortion from first seeking the counsel of pastors or others in their church, according to a new survey by an evangelical polling group. The survey was conducted by LifeWay Research, associated with […]
By: Frank G. Tunstall SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. (Reuters, Dec. 8) – One brother liked to party and chase girls. After high school, moved by what he saw as his patriotic duty, he enlisted in the [U.S.] Navy and received two medals recognizing his contributions to “the global war on terror.” The other… became increasingly intolerant, […]
Posted by Focus on the Family, December 7, 2015 by Kevin Conklin I once had a counselor fire a very direct statement at me when I was doing more than my share of pointing blame at someone who’d wounded me in a pretty devastating way. He said, “Kevin, don’t you think it’s about time you […]
By: Frank G. Tunstall “Parents ask me all the time,” says John O’Sullivan, famed coach of some of the world’s greatest soccer athletes, “if I think their child has what it takes to play at the college or professional level. They are asking if I think their kid has enough talent.” My reply is: “How […]
Cited from Charisma Magazine, 11/25/2015 By: J.D. KING The churning, tempestuous world looks remarkably different than many imagine. This is undoubtedly true if you’re an average American. In the darkest corners of the Middle East there’s a revival beginning that’s unprecedented in the history of world missions. I’ve previously reflected on it, but I wanted […]
By: Frank G. Tunstall John 1:43 “The next day Jesus decided to leave for Galilee. Finding Philip, he said to him, ‘Follow me.’ 44 Philip, like Andrew and Peter, was from the town of Bethsaida.” Genesis 41:1 “Pharaoh had a dream….” No invitation equals one extended by Jesus Christ! The Apostle John used the wording, […]
By: Frank G. Tunstall 18 This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit. 19 Because Joseph her husband was a righteous man and did not want […]