By: Frank G. Tunstall Over the years I thought about it I guess a hundred times, why didn’t the gospel writers tell us more about the raw suffering Jesus experienced leading up to the cross and the emotional pain that went with it? Then one day I decided to study the key passages in […]
Applauding Our Grandsons Lu and I have five grandchildren (four boys and one girl) and we’re very proud of each of them. Today the applause goes to two of our grandsons who have excelled in sports, and have advanced to national competition. Chase Chitwood is a son of our daughter, Dena, and her husband, Chuck. Chase is […]
By Frank G. Tunstall The astounding resurrection of Lazarus meant Jesus not only restored Lazarus but also reunited the family. To this day, Jesus delights to rebuild broken homes. Jesus left Mary, Martha and Lazarus celebrating a happy reunion in Bethany and went with His disciples to Ephraim in the desert. This retreat gave […]
By Frank G. Tunstall Cleopas and his unnamed friend had Jesus’ undivided attention on the road to Emmaus. The Lord began by describing them as “foolish” and “slow of heart for not believing the prophets and the Scriptures. Jesus went on to explain to them “what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself” (Luke […]
By: Frank G. Tunstall Lazarus had been alive in the world of the spirit for four days when Jesus stood at his tomb and loudly called him by name, “Lazarus, come forth” (John 11:43). The Greek word for resurrection is anastasis, and it literally translates as to stand up. If death is the great illustration […]
By Frank G. Tunstall When Mary walked up to Jesus on the outskirts of Bethany, “she fell at his feet.” What was inside her troubled soul flooded from the well of her disappointed hopes. “Lord, if you had been here,” she told Jesus, “my brother would still be alive” (John 11:32 TLB). Mary’s statement was […]
By Frank G. Tunstall “Jesus, once more deeply moved, came to the tomb [of Lazarus]. It was a cave with a stone laid across the entrance. ‘Take away the stone,’ he said” (John 11:38). This is the second time the Apostle John used the phrase translated as “deeply moved” to describe Jesus’ emotions (see vs. […]
Jim Eby: Thanks, Frank for… Five Top Priorities for Increasing Your Church [March 6 Cutting Edge]. May God help our pastors and leaders not only to read it, but to take it to heart and act on it. I would simply add an action-point #6: “Earnest prayer for the lost is the fuel for church growth.” Every follower of […]
By: Frank G. Tunstall Martha’s decision to go meet Jesus when she heard the Lord was on the outskirts of Bethany in Israel meant Martha’s faith would blossom before Mary, her sister, because Mary chose to stay at home and did not go to Jesus with her sister. Martha’s first words to Jesus when she met […] This article is a classic on church growth. It was first released in 2010 and since then has gone around the world, influencing the growth of thousands of churches. It’s a must-read, even if you have read it before. — Pastor Frank By: Charles Arn on Sep 1, 2010 Whether you’re in a church of 20 or […]