Does Your Pastor Get a preaching Break During the Summer? By: Josh Reich Sermon Central.Com, July 7, 2015. I am coming off of my summer preaching break at Revolution. When we started the church five years ago, I preached almost 100 times in the first two years. While it seemed necessary at the time, it […]
I remember one time years ago when our area had a garbage strike. (It’s not a great memory!) The garbage piled up in our garage while the sanitation folks figured out their deal, and it took a while. And it took awhile to get the smell out of our garage. Now, I know how nasty […]
By Frank G. Tunstall The cross of Jesus Christ is the supreme example of how bad man’s sinful condition really is, because it took the Lord’s death by crucifixion to provide our salvation. The cross of Jesus Christ is also the ultimate example of God’s love, because He loved the world so much He was […]
Dr. Karl Vaters speaks to a very important life principle in this article. He is challenging us all to accep to responsibility for our failures, without blaming other people or situations. He begins like this: “I don’t blame anyone but myself for my failures in ministry. “Why are people so surprised by that? “Last month… I […]
I have not seen anyone in the national media who is speaking or writing about this, but there is a Marxist connection to the Same-Sex Marriage movement. You will want to read Anne Hendershott’s article! Dr. Hendershott begins: While most commentators credit the sexual revolution and the Stonewall uprising of 1969 as the “beginning” of […]
By: Ben Gosden The flip side of the “bigger is always better” way of viewing our churches is the reality that the vast majority of churches in America (and even around the world) are, in fact, small. Historically this has also been the case. Go back and read Paul’s letters to various churches. They weren’t […]
By Frank G. Tunstall Same-sex marriage is not a modern development of the last fifty years in American history. Instead of a new wave of the future, it is a return to the raw immorality of the pagan yesteryear. The Biblical case against the sins of homosexuality and same-sex marriage can be made in the […]
By Ed Stetzer [July 6, 2015] Not everything will be settled in small groups, which is why I preach through books of the Bible (as we are right now at Grace Church—about two years in Matthew!). However, I think that biblical preaching (which is not just verse-by-verse, but in our case is primarily so) is key, […]
By: Bob Smietana ELVERT BARNES / FLICKR The second act of the national debate over same-sex marriage began this week with a focus on religious liberty. The Liberty Institute framed Friday’s Supreme Court ruling in favor of same-sex marriage as actually a victory for religious liberty. The assessment was somewhat surprising, given that the group had gathered […]
By: MICHAEL BROWN If love is love, why can’t it be between more than two people? (Reuters) [July 6, 2015] If marriage is not the union of a man and a woman, then why should it be limited to two people (or, for that matter, require two people)? Why can’t it be one or three […]