Ukraine is shaded in green.
Bob Cave serves as IPHC’s Continental Director for Europe. He sent me this letter after reading the story printed in Cutting Edge last week about 200,000 people who gathered in Ukraine to celebrate Jesus and the 500th year anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. I know Bob Cave personally and highly recommend his ministry to you. Bob works in Ukraine with Bishop Reshetinsky, who is the highly capable leader of our IPHC ministry in Ukraine, whom I also know personally. – – Pastor Frank
“Hello Pastor Frank:
“I just returned from another trip to the Ukraine and your article in Cutting Edge last week is true; there is a sense of joy in Ukraine. I have taken several groups of IPHC pastors and laymen to plant churches in the Ukraine in recent years.
“Bishop Reshetinsky told me last fall they needed fifty new churches in his country. He had a commitment from Switzerland to assist with ten at $3,500 each. I said I would help with ten and see what our U.S. and Canadian churches could do. The Lord surprised me and we had donations for twenty-four church plants at $5,000 each. This gets a building to rent, and sometimes even buy a house in a village that can be renovated into a church. It also supports a pastor for a year, and buys Bibles. So far in 2017 we have thirty-four commitments for churches to be planted.
“I believe we are on target to plant fifty churches in Ukraine by the end of 2018. We need 16 more commitments.
“If a sponsor wants to make the trip to see what is happening in the Ukraine, we will make two trips next year – in June and in September. Pastors and friends are warmly welcome to join us on one of these trips.
“Blessings, Pastor Frank, in all you do. ”
Bob Cave
If the Holy Spirit speaks to you personally, or to your church, about sponsoring one of these new church plants in war-torn Ukraine, please call World Missions Ministries at 405-787-7110 and ask to speak with either Rev. Steve Cofer or Dr. Terry Tramel.
THANKS for praying about partnering in this very worth vision. Pastor Frank